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Learning and Resources

OAITH Training Hub

Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses’ (OAITH) courses are designed to train those who are either working or would like to work in programs and organizations who are supporting survivors of gender-based violence. For those working in the broader social services sector who want to increase their skills and knowledge about gender-based violence, OAITH’s Training Hub will equip you to be prepared to respond effectively and promote survivor safety outcomes for those you are supporting.

Safety Assessment & Risk Management Package and Her Toolkit

In Canada, one woman every six days is murdered at the hands of her intimate partner or ex-partner. Countless more women are at risk of ongoing physical and emotional harm as a result of violence at the hands of their current or ex-partner. This may include same-sex partners, ex-partners, parents, older children and caregivers.

Placing the safety of women and children at the forefront of all we do at The Redwood led us to make a shift from the traditional ‘risk assessment’ and ‘safety planning’ approach to a Safety Assessment and Risk Management (SARM) model. With this shift we hope to reduce women’s vulnerability and exposure to harm.

Thank you for your interest in our work. We appreciate the opportunity to present this model to other agencies and organizations within our communities.

This work always builds on what has come before. We hope you will find the approach and tools useful in supporting women and children to explore all of what safety means to them and will give you additional knowledge and understanding in the work you do every day.

The two buttons below give the English version of the Table of Contents for the Safety Assessment & Risk Management Package and Her Toolkit:

If you would like to access the full documents, in either English or French, please send us your request by completing the form below.