Are you experiencing abuse? Get help now.
Get help to leave or cope with an abusive relationship.
Access our 24-hour crisis lines available in over 170 languages.
Call 416.533.8538 | Text: 647.370.8300 | TTY: 416.533.3736
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If you wish to access services exclusively in French, you can contact: La Maison d’hébergement pour Femmes Francophone at 647-777-6433 or Oasis Centre des Femmes at 416-591-6565.
Si vous souhaitez accéder à des services exclusivement en français, vous pouvez contacter: La Maison d’hébergement pour Femmes francophones au: 647-777-6433 ou Oasis Centre des Femmes au:
Who We Serve
Guided by our values of self-determination, anti-racism and anti-oppression, The Redwood provides services inclusive to all women and their children, trans, and gender-diverse individuals who are disproportionately impacted by gender-based violence.