
A conversation with *Fiona: Rebuilding her life through The Redwood Women in Trades: HVAC Technician program

Fiona made the heartbreaking decision to flee her home country, in order to keep herself and her children safe from her abusive husband. Starting all over in Canada wasn’t easy but Fiona was determined to rebuild a life for her family – on her own.

She enrolled in George Brown College’s Women Transitioning to Trades and Employment program. In one of her classes, a Redwood staff visited to talk about our The Redwood Women in Trades: HVAC Technician program which assists women who have experienced gender based violence to become certified Gas Technicians and secure employment in the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) trade.

A good paying job leads to economic security which can mean safer lives for women and their children.

“I joined because The Redwood offered so much support, from paying for school fees, equipment, Presto cards, work clothes and even groceries. I remember there was a day when I really needed to get some stuff from the grocery, but I didn’t have money. And just as I was going through my emails, I found an email from The Redwood with a grocery gift card. When I got to the store, I couldn’t help but cry from relief.”


But more importantly, Fiona valued that she was working with an organization that truly understands her hardships – and her history of abuse. The Redwood’s staff gave her encouragement and support when she was feeling stressed and needed to talk to someone. Fiona completed her training, passed her certification exams and with the support of Redwood staff during her job search, she received three offers!

Now, just two years later, Fiona is a certified G2 and G3 Gas Technician. She has received a company car and enjoys driving to clients and fulfilling service tasks on her own – an independence that she truly enjoys! And with a good-paying job, Fiona feels better equipped to support her and her children’s journey to healing.

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